Home / 1852 / Canada West / Hamilton (city) / 438 St. Andrew ward / p. 510a, 510b, (510) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex |
1 | May?, Chas | Shoemaker | Co. Louth Ireland | Protestant | 36 | M | |
2 | Swinburne, M. Anne | Dress Maker | Co. Wicklow Ireland | Protestant | 33 | F | |
3 | McCoy, Jane | Boarder | Co. Tyrone Ireland | Protestant | 36 | F | |
4 | Joyce, Bridget | Co. Galway Ireland | Papist | 14 | F | ||
5 | Guthrey, Anne | Ireland | Protestant | 45 | F | ||
6 | Guthrey, Jane | Ireland | Protestant | 14 | F | ||
7 | Guthrey, William | Ireland | Protestant | 12 | M | ||
8 | Guthrey, Thos | Ireland | Protestant | 16 | M |