Home / 1852 / Canada West / Hamilton (city) / 439 St. Lawrence (ward) ward / p. 24a, 24b, (24) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex |
1 | Waldron, J. | Labourer | Ireland | Protestant | 61 | M | |
2 | Waldron, Rebecca | Wife | Ireland | Protestant | 56 | F | |
3 | Waldron, Rebecca | Ireland | Protestant | 17 | F | ||
4 | Waldron, Margaret | Ireland | Protestant | 15 | F |
Suggested corrections on this page
The suggested corrected values for fields are highlighted in yellow
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex | ||
1 | Waldron | J. | Labourer | Ireland | Protestant | 61 | M | (current values) | |
1 | Wilson | J. | Labourer | Ireland | Protestant | 61 | M | (corrected values) | |
2 | Waldron | Rebecca | Wife | Ireland | Protestant | 56 | F | (current values) | |
2 | Wilson | Rebecka | Ireland | Protestant | 56 | F | (corrected values) | ||
3 | Waldron | Rebecca | Ireland | Protestant | 17 | F | (current values) | ||
3 | Wilson | Rebecka | Ireland | Protestant | 17 | F | (corrected values) | ||
4 | Waldron | Margaret | Ireland | Protestant | 15 | F | (current values) | ||
4 | Wilson | Margret | Ireland | Protestant | 15 | F | (corrected values) | ||
Only 7 letters in this Given. Must be transcribed"as is, as in" original document. (note added by: Aileen Sloane) |