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1921 Census of Canada
Home / 1921 / New Brunswick / St John and Albert / Hillsboro Parish

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****doll 1
**onnley 6
Ackerly 2
Akerley 2
Allan 1
Arantz 2
Armstrong 1
Arthur 1
Baizley 1
Baizly 1
Baldwin 2
Balser 1
Bannister 5
Barkhouse 4
Barnett 5
Barss 2
Bartlett 1
Bazley 3
Beatty 14
Beaumont 36
Beck 3
Bennett 9
Berrie 4
Berry 27
Berryman 3
Bishop 24
Blake 11
Bleakney 9
Blight 6
Boyd 1
Bray 3
Bulmer 2
Cain 3
Caldwell 1
Cameron 7
Campbell 11
Carlisle 6
Carruthers 1
Carson 6
Carter 12
Cartwright 1
Chappell 1
Christopher 7
Clark 2
Clevannah 1
Collicutt 6
Collins 3
Connors 4
Cook 1
Copp 1
Corbett 1
Crossman 8
Daly 1
Dash 2
Dawes 7
Dawson 12
Dee 2
Dixon 1
Dobson 5
Douthright 7
Douthwright 15
Downey 4
Dryden 8
Duffy 42
Dunkem 4
Edgett 13
Erb 3
Esler 4
Evans 6
Ewell 1
Fales 6
Fancy 2
Fenton 11
Fillmore 13
FitzPatrick 4
Foley 3
Folkins 1
Fownes 3
Fullerton 4
Gallagher 6
Garland 6
Gavey 2
Gaw 5
Gaynor 1
Gayton 1
Geldart 2
George 1
Gillispie 10
Goddard 1
Godfrey 7
Govang 7
Graham 4
Gross 9
Groundwater 2
Haines 1
Hains 2
Hall 7
Hanson 12
Hargreavs 3
Harper 8
Hawkes 40
Hayward 4
Hill 2
Hilyard 1
Hoar 1
Hope 3
Hopkins 6
Hopper 14
Horwood 5
Howell 3
Hume 6
Irving 40
Jodrey 1
Johnston 2
Jonah 101
Jones 7
Jonsoy 1
Kay 4
Kearne 5
Kearns 3
Keating 1
Kelly 1
Kennie 3
King 12
Knockwood 2
Lander 4
Lane 1
Langlois 4
Larsen 5
Lauder 8
Layton 7
Leaman 2
Leeman 17
Lewis 13
Litterick 3
Livingston 16
Livingstone 3
Locke 6
Loomer 1
Lounsbury 2
Love 4
Lowthers 1
Lutes 26
MacKinnon 2
MacPhee 1
MacRae 1
Martin 1
McAllister 2
McCoubrey 10
McCulchey 2
McCuspey 3
McDonald 4
McEachern 3
McFarlane 11
McHenry 3
McKenzie 1
McKinley 2
McLatchey 7
McLatchy 10
McLauchlin 5
McLaughlin 11
McLeod 6
McPherson 2
McQuade 1
McRae 3
Meidell 4
Melton 1
Milburn 5
Miller 5
Milton 80
Minetta E 2
Mitton 35
Mollins 16
Morrell 6
Mouse 3
Mullins 4
Murray 12
Musgrove 1
Nelson 7
O'Connor 16
O'Neill 7
O'Shanghnesy 1
O'Shaughnessy 1
OBrien 1
OHanley 3
Olafson 2
Orman 4
Osborne 12
Palmer 5
Parker 10
Parkes 4
Parkin 2
Parks 4
Peck 7
Pederson 1
Peterson 1
Poore 6
Porter 5
Powell 4
Power 11
Price 6
Reid 1
Rennison 6
Reynolds 6
Rice 3
Ricker 12
Ritchie 4
Robertson 2
Robiinson 1
Robinson 1
Rodd 2
Rogers 7
Rolland 1
Rose 10
Rubin 2
Sears 11
Shaffer 12
Shanahan 1
Shaw 10
Sherwood 7
Simmons 3
Simpson 9
Sinclair 9
Slater 11
Smith 53
Snelgrove 9
Snellgrove 3
Stannard 7
Starratt 6
Steeves 595
Stevens 17
Stevenson 5
Steves 1
Stevonson 1
Stewart 2
Stiles 3
Surette 10
Tarris 13
Taylor 33
Terris 7
Thompson 7
Thomson 1
Tilley 4
Tomkins 1
Toole 5
Tower 26
Turner 5
Wallace 8
Walters 1
Ward 7
Warnock 6
Weldon 1
Wells 5
West 5
Wheeler 1
White 1
Whitney 1
Wilson 77
Wood 4
Woodworth 32
Wright 6