1911 Census of Canada |
Line notes on this page:
Line 1: Relationship changed to Head. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 2: Relationship changed to Wife. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 3: Age changed from 15. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Surname Notes: Surname notes are used to indicate that while the transcription is correct the enumerator may have recorded the surname incorrectly in the original. The surname note gives a suggested "correct" surname, along with sources and notes to support the suggested "correction".
In household 49
the enumerator recorded the surname as "Ojibway", a suggested alternative is "Pemwayway".
The following source(s) support this alternative: "Name written on left side of column where surname is written in other entries.".