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District Summary Français
Lennox and Addington, Ontario
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1 600 Abinger Ashby and Denbigh Townships, Denbigh Village
2 300 Abinger Ashby and Denbigh Townships
3 650 Anglesea Effingham and Kaladar Townships, Flinton Village
4 500 Anglesea Effingham and Kaladar Townships
5 1100 Camden Township Colebrooke and Yarker Villages
6 700 Camden Township Strathcona Village
7 550 Camden Township Camden East Village
8 450 Camden Township Enterprise Village
9 500 Camden Township Enterprise Village
10 800 Camden Township Croydon and Centreville Villages
11 450 Sheffield Township Erinsville Village
12 600 Sheffield Township Tamworth Village
13 550 Sheffield
14 300 Sheffield
15 500 Newburgh
16 650 Adolphustown
17 750 Amherst Island Township Emerald and Stella Villages
18 450 Ernestown
19 550 Ernestown Township Odessa Village
20 600 Ernestown
21 650 Ernestown Township Wilton Village
22 550 Ernestown Township McIntyres Corners, Maple Lane, Links, Mills, Fellows, Storms Corners, Mornen
23 450 Ernestown
24 700 North Fredericksburg
25 900 North Fredericksburg Township South Napanee Village
26 550 South Fredericksburg
27 500 South Fredericksburg Township Sandhurst Town Lots
29 800 Richmond
30 650 Richmond Township Selby Village
31 900 Richmond
32 550 Napanee
33 1100 Napanee
34 1200 Napanee
35 350 Bath