ONTARIO, MIDDLESEX (South/Sud), Caradoc, A-4

Subdistrict Link Destinations in the 1911 Census

SubdistrictEnum. district# of links
Caradoc Township411
Caradoc Township39
Caradoc Township77
London Township102
Ekfrid Township161
Delaware Township111
London Township61

Bateman, Dolly M

Bateman, Elizabeth

Bateman, Samuel

Beattie, Martha

Beattie, Patten

Blair, Anna E

Blair, Eliza C

Blair, George

Blair, George G

Blair, Jennie A

Blair, William

Bolton, Charlie

Bolton, Lilly

Bolton, Pearl

Bolton, Robert J

Bolton, Samuel

Bolton, W James

Bowley, George S

Bowley, Henry

Bowley, Jane

Burns, Eve

Burns, John

Burns, Mary

Burns, Thomas

Campbell, Dougald

Campbell, Louisia

Campbell, Margurett

Cawthorpe, Clara

Cawthorpe, Ernest

Chisholm, Alina

Chisholm, Hugh

Chisholm, Murriel

Clark, J Francis

Clark, James

Clark, Margarett

Clark, William W

Cobban, Ethel

Cobban, James

Cobban, Mary

Cobban, William

Coleman, James

Coleman, Lydia

Coleman, Mildred

Cushman, Etta

Cushman, James

Cushman, John

Cushman, Rachal

Farrow, Arvilla

Farrow, Emerson

Farrow, Frank

Farrow, John

Farrow, Mary

Farrow, Mary Jane

Farrow, William

Ferguson, Anna

Ferguson, Ellen

Ferguson, John

Ferguson, May

Ferguson, Samuel

Fisher, Anna

Fisher, Anne

Fisher, Benjamin

Fisher, Benjamin

Fisher, Celia

Fisher, Celia

Fisher, Clement

Fisher, Elizabeth

Fisher, Ellen

Fisher, John

Fisher, John E

Fisher, Joseph

Fisher, Lewis

Fisher, Margaret

Fisher, Mary

Fisher, Sadie

Francis, Henry R

Francis, Robert H

Garnnet, Charley

Grigg, Charlotte

Grigg, E George

Grigg, Ella

Grigg, Ellen

Grigg, Emma F

Grigg, Frank

Grigg, Otto

Grigg, William H

Grigg, William Sr.

Hardy, Samuel

Hardy, William

Harrison, Almeda

Harrison, Clive

Harrison, Lila

Harrison, Wesley

Helmer, D. H.

Helmer, Maude E

Hixon, Francis

Hixon, Herbert

Hixon, Levi

Hornblower, George

Howe, Ada

Howe, Alena

Howe, Esther

Howe, Geo

Howe, George

Howe, Harvey R

Howe, Levi H

Howe, Mary

Howe, Maud

Howe, Milordia

Howe, Sarah

Howe, Teresa

Howe, Thomas

Hutcheson, Frank

Hutcheson, Jane

Hutcheson, John

Hutcheson, Winnifred

Hutchinson, George

Hutton, Alex

Hutton, Anna

Hutton, Earl

Hutton, Frank

Hutton, Grace

Hutton, Hannah

Hutton, James

Hutton, John

Hutton, Mable

Hutton, Russel

Inches, Chaliey

Inches, Elizabeth

Inches, Geo. C

Inches, John

Inches, Sarah A

Kellestine, Abigal

Kellestine, Geo D

Kellestine, John

Kellestine, Sidney

Lambert, Basil

Lambert, Chornelius

Lambert, Mary

Lambert, Wilbert P

Lambert, William J

McArthur, Alix

McArthur, Christy

McArthur, Donald

McCracken, Alice

McCracken, Ambrose

McCracken, Ann J

McCracken, Chirstan A

McCracken, Eva M

McCracken, Frank H

McCracken, John A

McDougall, Archie

McDougall, Donald

McDougall, Jane

McDougall, Margaret

McDougall, Margaret

McDougall, Peter

McGregor, Ewan

McGregor, Thomas

McMullen, Ellen C

McMullen, Ellen F

McMullen, T. James

McPhail, Archibell

McPhail, Nancy

Ogilvie, Elspet

Paisley, Henry

Paisley, Samuel

Paisley, William

Patrick, William

Peters, Amy

Peters, Ella

Peters, James

Peters, Mary E

Peters, William

Pettit, Francis

Pettit, Mabel

Pettit, Margaret

Pettit, Martin

Phillips, Albert

Phillips, Elizabeth

Phillips, James

Phillips, John G

Phillips, Mable E

Phillips, Mary

Phillips, Mary E

Phillips, Richard R

Phillips, Rose

Phillips, Walter J

Pierce, Anna

Pierce, Anne

Pierce, Armeda

Pierce, Benjaman

Pierce, Duncan

Pierce, Emily E

Pierce, Flossie

Pierce, Francis E

Pierce, Henry

Pierce, Mary

Pierce, Mary A

Pierce, Mary Jane

Pierce, Milton

Pierce, Prudence

Pierce, Robert

Pierce, Robert

Pierce, Thomas

Pierce, Uriah

Pierce, Uriah

Pierce, Winnford

Pullen, Christina

Pullen, Eva

Pullen, John

Rae, Alexander

Rae, Ann

Rae, Duncan

Rae, Estasy

Rae, James D

Rae, Mary

Rae, Sandford

Ramey, Catherine

Ramey, Jane

Ramey, Katie P

Ramey, Sylvia E

Ramey, Thomas G

Ramey, William

Ramsey, Arden

Ramsey, Mary

Richardson, Allan

Richardson, Catharine

Richardson, Gordon

Richardson, Herbert

Richardson, John

Scott, Alex

Scott, Ann

Scott, Clifford

Scott, Gordon

Scott, Hannah A

Scott, Jane

Scott, Martha A

Scott, Robert

Scott, Rubena

Seaburn, Amy

Seaburn, Amy G

Seaburn, George

Seaburn, John W

Seaburn, Reuben

Simmons, Amillia

Simmons, William

Smale, Anna

Smale, Henry

Smale, Morrison

Smale, William A

Steer, Anna

Steer, Walter

Stephenson, Afred R

Stephenson, Alfred J

Stephenson, Etta M

Stephenson, James L

Stephenson, Mary

Stephenson, Mary E

Stephenson, Mary E

Stephenson, Robert

Stephenson, Walter H

Stewart, Fanny E

Stewart, John

Stewart, Zylinda

Stockings, Christopher

Stockings, Mary

Sutherland, Alex

Sutherland, Arden

Sutherland, Arthur

Sutherland, Charles

Sutherland, Edna F

Sutherland, Ellen

Sutherland, Ellen B

Sutherland, Ellen S

Sutherland, Eva M

Sutherland, Frank

Sutherland, Hector J

Sutherland, Henry A

Sutherland, Herbert

Sutherland, Ishabella

Sutherland, James I

Sutherland, Jas. Bruce

Sutherland, Jemima

Sutherland, John

Sutherland, Lizzie

Sutherland, Llspet L

Sutherland, M. Lomila

Sutherland, Mary A

Sutherland, Mary E

Sutherland, Percy

Sutherland, Samuel

Sutherland, Thomas

Sutherland, Thomas E

Thomas, Russel

Thompson, Stanley

Thompson, Wilbert

Thorton, Anna

Thorton, Fed.

Thorton, Katherine

Toal, Arthur L

Toal, David J

Toal, Mary R

Toal, William

Toal, William H

Trott, Aggie

Trott, Arthur W

Trott, James S

Trott, William Sr

Wakem, Maggie

Wakem, Thomas

Walkem, Albert

Walkem, Anna

Walkem, Anna

Walkem, John

Watson, John W

Watson, Selena E

Watson, Walter W

White, Catherine

White, Florence

White, James

White, Lenord

Willcock, Ellen

Willcock, T. A.

Willcock, Wilfred