Subdistrict Link Destinations in the 1911 Census

SubdistrictEnum. district# of links
Horton poll district21205
Horton poll district2018
Canning poll district46
Cornwallis poll district96
Horton poll district225
Horton poll district254
Nictaux poll district224
Falmouth poll district33
Newport poll district192
Acadia Mines poll district12
Falmouth poll district211
Saint John291
Cambridge poll district11
Kempt poll district71
Spry Bay poll district361
Kempt poll district61
Horton poll district241
Sheffield Mills poll district111
Merigonish poll district231

Beattie, Fred

Beattie, Harriet

Beattie, Harris

Boates, Abbie

Borden, Beatrce

Borden, Brinton

Borden, Eunice

Borden, Frederick

Borden, Harlen

Borden, Irvine (?)

Borden, Joshua

Borden, Joshua

Borden, Julia

Borden, Lillian

Borden, Margeart

Borden, Mary

Borden, Olie

Borden, Phyllis

Bowman, Broughton

Brooks, Alfred

Brooks, Edna

Brooks, Effie

Brooks, George

Brooks, John

Brooks, Minnie

Brooks, Susan

Buchanan, Arthur

Buchanan, Margaret

Buchanan, William

Chipman, George

Chipman, Margaret

Chipman, W. Henry

Coffill, Arthur

Coffill, Gertie

Coffill, Hibbert

Coffill, Jane

Coffill, John

Coffill, Ralph

Coldwell, Emerson

Coldwell, Harold

Coldwell, Jessie

Coldwell, John

Constantine, Caroline

Cox, Ashley

Crowell, Daniel

Crowell, David

Curry, EbeLena

Curry, Foster

Curry, Fred

Curry, Fredrick

Curry, Jean

Curry, Kenneth

Curry, Laura

Davison, Bessie

Davison, Catherine

Dennison, Abigail

Dennison, Annie

Dennison, Clare

Dennison, Clyde

Dennison, Cran?

Dennison, Emma

Dennison, Florence

Dennison, Louis

Dennison, Louis

Dennison, Ross

Duff, James

Duff, Jessie

Duff, Mary

Duncanson, Martin

Fairweather, Lulu

Fuller, Alice

Fuller, David

Fuller, Frank

Fuller, Hedley

Fuller, Howard

Fuller, James

Fuller, Leverett

Fuller, Mary

Green, Agnes

Green, Maggie

Hamilton, Mary

Hamilton, William

Harris, Louisa

Harris, Thomas

Henwood, Alma

Henwood, Frank

Henwood, James

Henwood, Sarah

Huntley, Carol?ne

Huntley, George

Huntley, Otto

J?, Nelson

Kavanagh, Charles

Kavanagh, Edward

Kavanagh, Fred

Kavanagh, Harry

Kavanagh, Nellie

Kelley, Robert

Kelly, Alfred

Kelly, Francis

Kelly, Margery

Kennedy, Emma

King, Arthur

King, Cassie

King, Delbert

King, Doran

King, Edward

King, Eva

King, Harding

King, Harold

King, James

King, Lena

King, Minnie

King, Sarah

King, Walter

Laird, Alice

Laird, Bessie

Laird, Edward

Laird, James

Laird, John

Laird, Sydney

Laird, William

Lockhart, ?ill

Lockhart, James

Lockhart, William

Magee, Una

McDonald, Sarah

McIntosh, Catherine

McIntosh, Fred

McIntosh, Isabel

McIntosh, Nicholas

McIntosh, Stephen

McPherson, Maggie

Neary, Fletcher

Nieforth, Andrew

Nieforth, Ed?a

Nieforth, Elias

Nieforth, Erwin

Nieforth, Leander

Nieforth, Orun

North, Catherine

Parsons, Harriet

Parsons, Joseph

Patterson, Annie

Patterson, Arthur

Patterson, Charles

Patterson, Kate (?)

Patterson, Keith (?)

Patterson, Minnie (?)

Patterson, Nancy

Patterson, Reginald

Patterson, Rita (?)

Pickles, George

Pickles, Mary

Rathbone, ?

Rathbone, Charles

Rathbone, Edna

Rathbone, Gertrude

Rathbone, Harry

Rathbone, L?ora

Rathbone, Mrs ?

Rathbone, Susan

Rathbone, William

Robinson, Rachel

Selby, Flo

Selby, John

Shaw, Mary

Shaw, Robert

Simson, Matilda

States, Carl

States, Georgina

States, Havelock

States, John

States, Lymont

States, Raphael

States, Walter

Stewart, Annie

Taylor, Ethel

Taylor, Florence

Taylor, George

Taylor, John

Taylor, Mary

Terfry, Carrie

Terfry, Ernest

Terfry, Marchant

Terfry, Winnie

Trenholm, Bell

Trenholm, Daisy

Trenholm, Dottie

Trenholm, Frank

Trenholm, Laura

Trenholm, Mary

Trenholm, Olga

Trenholm, Scott

Trenholm, Stewart

Trenholm, Willard

Tuzo, Rebbeca

Walsh, Clara

Walsh, James

Watson, Dorothy

Watson, Henry

Watson, Ralph

Watson, Susan

Watson, Tuzo

Yorke, Olivia