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Contact entries for
33 | 57 | Bessette | Ida | F | Protege | S | Sep 7 | 1887 | 13 |
Contact: Teresa Bessette
Comment: This is my great great aunt, sister of John Henry Bessette my great grandfather. I have been looking for her for so long! How can I get a copy of this census...please...thank you so much I am over the moon! I just wish he weren't so elusive. Thank
Posted: 2009-05-05 16:33:40.0, Renewed: 2009-05-05 16:33:40.0
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13 | 89 | Bessette | Josephine | F | Protegee | S | Other: Not Known | 1891 | 9 |
Contact: Teresa Bessette
Comment: Yippee! This is my great great Aunt Josephine, sister of Ida Bessette, whom you also have. I have been looking for these two for so long.
Posted: 2009-05-05 16:43:47.0, Renewed: 2009-05-05 16:43:47.0
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44 | 40 | Bessette | John | M | Boarder | S | Dec 8 | 1879 | 22 |
Contact: Teresa Bessette
Comment: Eureka! I believe this is my great grandfather, brother of Ida and Josephine Bessette. Can you tell me how to get copies of these records. It sems their parents have died or abandoned them, I do not know which, but I am assuming protegee means or
Posted: 2009-05-05 16:57:13.0, Renewed: 2009-05-05 16:57:13.0
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