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References for Surname Thurrott
Givens Item Pages
Agnes West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 46, 51, 153
Agnes (descendants of) West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 149
Alex West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 71
Alexander MacMichael West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 8
Basil West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 71
bess West Branch Days 1826-1989 p
Catherine West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 292
Dr. Bess West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 71, 77
Dr. John West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 71
Elizabeth West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 51
James West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 46
James (descendants of) Along the South Branch of the Saint Nicholas River p Ch. 12
James Along the South Branch of the Saint Nicholas River Ch.14
James The Littles of Galloway and the County of Kent p 29
Jane West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 46
John West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 8, 275
John (photo) West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 45
John (descendants of) West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 46
John Doherty West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 46
Lionel Along the South Branch of the Saint Nicholas River p Ch. 12
Mary West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 7, 8
Mary Morton West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 46
Mrs. Jim West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 24
William M. West Branch Days 1826-1989 p 295